Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Multi Gratias

Confession: I wouldn't know anywhere near the amount of Latin that I do if it weren't for my high school choir teacher. And thus, I wouldn't be able to even begin to guess at some of the bizarre medical maladies that my husband occasionally spouts off....

Latin aside, I've been neglecting you, my dear blog.

Remember how my last post was all about how productive I was? Well, that carried through the past couple of weeks, leaving very little time for emoting to the cyberverse.

Highlights of the past fortnight (fyi, first time to ever use that word... I feel incredibly bougie, Victorian, and as if I should be wearing a corset, but I'm leaving it) include:
  • Dr. D starting his two week rotation with an otolaryngologist (ear-nose-throat/ENT surgeon, for all of us too impatient to try to pronounce that), and discovering that he loves it. This is awesomely scary because these docs have a fantastic schedule, but it is incredibly difficult to match into the specialty, let alone match into it back in CA.
  • Me getting comfortable with my new camera and flash set up, and shooting my first ever engagement picture session (!!!). Can I just say that it is a million times harder to focus on my Masters classes after realizing that all I really want to do is take pictures for a living? Curse you, Practicality.
I know that isn't that much of an update, but the past couple of weeks have really just flown by. And now all of the sudden it's Thanksgiving! Woah.

It was with great difficulty that we decided not to fly back out west for T-day---we would have only been able to stay for a couple of days, and then we would turn right around a few weeks later and fly back again for Christmas (there's that Practicality again... boo!). So, the hubs and I will be celebrating this week's holiday with some friends here, and will simply have to tide ourselves over with happy thoughts of my mom's Christmas cooking.

Lastly, to be completely cliche, I thought I'd end this post with a few things that I'm currently thankful for...
  1. The pot of boiling chipotle chicken soup on the stove---Dr. D and I haven't had many opportunities to cook dinner together recently, so this is a special treat on a blustery evening.
  2. My droptop continues to function with a vengeance, despite the said dropping and the hundreds of pictures that I made it edit in RAM-zapping Photoshop.
  3. Snapfish, who did a pretty decent job of printing some rad Christmas gifts that I'm excited to give.
  4. A husband whose first priority remains our relationship and the family that we will one day have. That kind of selflessness is super sexy.
  5. Of course, our wonderful family and friends back in CA whom we will very dearly miss seeing this week. Special shout out to my (not so little) bro, who's turning 21 this week. Love you, brohican!


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